Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Summertime Flings

Summertime the time of hot sex and cold wine. Nah im just kidding. But it’s the time of the year where no one wants to be held down. So let the summer time flings begin. We all have been there. You see the couple above. Yes they look happy now. But who wouldn’t be happy about the summer, the beach, on-call sex, liquor, and parties? A summer fling is the one little critter that’s yours for the whole summer. BUT one person always seems to get too attached as the summer is coming to an end. Here are the rules of a summer time fling:

1. “I cant say I love you, I don’t know what that means”-- no no NO ‘L’ word. If he/she says it, they’re a lying ass. And if they say it, cut their ass of, asap.

2. Plan B-- Always have a back-up plan. Just in case one falls off. (that’s a big duh when you’re single)

3. No titles-- We ARE NOT A COUPLE. We may do the things a couple does BUT we will not, shall not, can not place a title on it. Titles fuck everything up.

4. Sex-- If you have a summer time fling, its never to early to have sex. I mean like its gonna be over in about 2 months anyways, so what the hell are you waiting for.. that’s IF you even plan to have sex.

5. Dates-- Fellas you don’t always have to pay for her. So ladies don’t expect him to pay for you.

6. “Ask me no questions, I tell you no lies.”-- No questions about my past relationships. ‘Cause if you’re asking me that, you’re thinking ahead. And remember we have no future together, so my past is history that you don’t need to know about.

7. Breaking it off-- When August comes make sure there’s a mutual agreement that this isn’t going any further than what it is. You guys can possibly make arrangements to screw occasionally for the next few months, but that’s all.

BUT if you both happen to catch feelings towards the end, hooray to you guys and your relationship that’ll only last another two months. =)

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