Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Now a days it seem like most relationships are based around 1 thing, LUST! It's sad to see in most cases now people are willing to cheat or either end a relationship becuase the other isn't willing to have sex. It seems like...

the majority of people feel sex is needed to keep a relationship together and running, but I dont feel this way. Yes in a way sex can make the couple closer at the start, but at the same time it could push the two people farther away. Just think about it, if you and your partner have sex every day multiple times eventually one of yall will start to get bored. I have heard this saying from couple to couple many times " Yeah the sex is good BUT its getting boring, I want some NEW p*ssy"!

I'm pretty sure yall females say the same thing as well. So since we know this usually happens why rush into having sex? In my eyes it's nothing wrong with waiting a little bit, it builds up suspense. Don't get me wrong it's nothing wrong with being intimate with each other but actuall sex could be put off. I also know how some men operate they like to hit females with this line "If you love me you would do it" How many females have been told the same line? Im almost positive the man using that line will be the one 4 months in the relationship who is creeping around because all of sudden he is bored with the sex yall are having.

Then you have the people who feel like if a person is in a relationship and they don't want to have sex that their partner doesn't care for them. This is another dumb excuse , but I do understand that some people have problems with feeling accepted and that person not wanting to have sex with them might push them to think they aren't wanted. But when its all said and done if you are in or relationship now or about to get in one think twice before yall just jump right into the sex part, some things are better when waited on.

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