Tuesday, July 6, 2010


The guy who hangs out with her from time to time, she tells you her problems, she calls or texts you to see "what you doing". She lets you believe shes waiting for the right one, she gives you the window of opportunity by telling you she likes to "take things slow" and "get to know someone first before jumping into a relationship". This is PURE GAME bruh. She telling you all that so you can chase her. In other words, give her ATTENTION. As far as her being your "friend", do you think she REALLY cares about how your day is going? Or your feelings? She might. But she REALLY only calls you when shes BORED dude. Simple as that. She will add you to her list of "attention givers" and call or text you because she know she can get your attention when she wants it. Women LOVE to feel important, and the "clutch" buddy: meaning "guy she can always turn to for an ego boost" is always there to gas her up. Either by reminding her shes beautiful, or boosting her self esteem by taking her out, or listening to her vent when her boyfriend is treating her wrong, or by simply answering her phone calls when she "needs someone to talk to". the "clutch" buddy is always right there.

Now this is where it gets tricky...a LOT of men already know this, and they use it to they advantage. For example: a guy who knows the game will play along and ACT like hes really trying to be her "friend", but hes really using her to get attention from OTHER women. How? If a guy walks into a restaurant, bar, club, or any public place with a nice looking woman...or two...or three...all the women around will think hes intriguing because he has a nice looking woman or a few nice looking women around him. Women are honestly intimidated by other attractive women. Why do you think they compete so hard to stand out amongst other women? Another example is a guy who will have "FEmale friends" for the benefit of getting with one of HER friends, or even getting advice on HOW to get with one of her friends...or better yet HER. But she so busy thinking hes trying to be her "homeboy" she dont even know shes being GAMED. The guy who knows most of her deepest thoughts and secrets is usually the guy she ends up marrying...or fucking. Like all women say: "gotta be friends first" right? Now this leads to the next type of "male friend" she keeps around...

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